Work With Me

Watching so many of my college-aged clients start to grow, thrive, and live connected and empowered, I realized I wanted more young women to have access to this mindset AND skillset.


Who I Serve

With nearly 15 years of experience as a clinical therapist, I’ve worked with clients of all backgrounds, ages and walks of life. I noticed a particular client started showing up in my practice all the time — COLLEGE WOMEN! 

These clients felt a pull towards my practice, the space I held for them, and the insight I offered. Why? They were feeling all the things I had felt. They were looking for the support I had searched for.  

AND I had more to offer them — a different, deeper lens that wasn’t just based in meditation apps, journaling and trying to “let it go.”

Hey Missy was born out of a desire to connect with and serve on a broader scale women who are in that potentially crazy making stage of “emerging adulthood.” 

These women are trying to figure out what matters, what’s important, how to have your own back, how you show up for yourself, and then for those around you. I took the long road to figuring this stuff out, but with my experience as a therapist, mental health advocate, feminist, and coach, it’s my true honor to show the “short cuts” to believing in yourself to my amazing clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

Coaching services are usually defined as a proactive approach for support and guidance around daily living, achieving goals, shifting mindsets, and moving through life transitions. Coaching is generally present and future goal focused and often includes teaching around skills, mindsets, strategies, and application rather than a lot of processing work. 

Anyone can be a coach – there is not currently a governing board with unified requirements such as licensing requirements or out of state work constraints. This is both good and bad because it allows for a lot more flexibility in the coaching space, but also leaves room for unqualified coaches posing as experts. ALWAYS do your research and ask about credentials and experience when looking to hire a coach. A licensed therapist can operate in a “coach” capacity which means they are not providing psychotherapy and are limiting the scope of practice to coaching. 

My credentials: I’m a licensed, Master’s level therapist with 15 years of experience in my field. This means I had to obtain a master’s degree, pass national and state licensing exams, complete 2000 hours of post graduate supervised work, and complete speciality training and proven continuing education in order to keep my licensure current.

Coaching can be extremely supportive and helpful in an area of your life where you:

  • Feel stuck
  • Feel like you’re repeating the same thing over and over again and getting the same results
  • Would benefit from some outside perspective
  • Could use some tools to shift the way you think or behave around something.

Hey Missy works with clients in all of these areas! The benefit of how Hey Missy is structured is there’s lots of ways to get support on your own time, rather than having an hour session. There are lots of different ways to engage in the program whether it’s watching the bite sized skill building videos, showing up for a group coaching or hopping on voxxer for office hours for some “Missy in your pocket” support. Hey Missy was created for busy young women in an effort to be approachable, affordable and deliver results!

As previously stated, coaching is more solution-focused on present and future goals and includes teaching around mindset, skills, coping tools and applications towards a particular goal. Coaching generally involves less processing or past focused work in comparison to psychotherapy. A big difference between the two is that coaching does not follow a medical model. No mental health evaluation or diagnosis are given during coaching work and it is unethical to use formal treatment planning or interpretation of psychological assessments. There are different ethical standards between coaching and therapy as coaching is a less clinical approach than psychotherapy. Coaching can allow for more flexibility in the delivery of services due to having less restrictions, such as seeing clients across state lines, and the ability for online content/group formation with more accessibility.

If you have a mental health diagnosis, I highly recommend having a licensed therapist as your primary provider for treatment. Hey Missy can be a great supplement or concurrent resource for someone struggling with a diagnosed mental health problem, but generally I recommend starting with a higher and more clinical level of care. Especially if you are experiencing or have been diagnosed with a mental health issue that requires more specialized observation and targeted treatment (ie OCD, Eating Disorders, Suicidality, Self-Harm). Hey Missy is a great program to do concurrently if you are receiving a more specialized treatment, and can serve as parallel support. If needed, Missy and your mental health provider will consult on fit in this case.

The short answer is no, not in this space. Right now, Hey Missy is a coaching community focused on empowering and supporting young women through gaining the emotional skillset they need to be confident leaders, grounded thinkers, and thriving humans! BUT I hear from young men all the time and a lot of the same needs exist – so I’d love to create something along those lines someday!